Unlike much of the other Squiggle podcasts, this podcast is purely sensory. No stories, no characters. So take a break from your day and dive into these beautiful waters.
The wonderful music is by Carmela Sinco. The images were shot mostly on my little digital camera over a period of time. I’ve tried to keep the size down while trying to preserve a respectable image quality so the file is big for Squiggle standards.
by on November 3rd, 2006 | Filed in Projects | Comments Off on Dear Stranger Trailer

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Dear Stranger will premiere at the Annapolis Film Festival. Details: Crown Theater 1 in Annapolis, Maryland at 1:30 pm on November 11th. I will be there for the screening and the Q&A afterwards. If you live in the area, do come. If you know someone in the area, tell them to come. If you make it, make sure to say hello.
by on October 20th, 2006 | Filed in Rants | Comments Off on Tuning Out Roadkill

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My subject is Scott Wallace. And I proud to say the music is by me.
by on October 16th, 2006 | Filed in Personal | Comments Off on Mexico Trips

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My favorite memories associated with California are those simple spontaneous trips south of the border to a small campground in Mexico.
Camera: Jan Vlasto
Music: Carmela Sinco

click pic to play, Flash version available here.
A music video for The Tourist (a.k.a Hunter MacDermut).
Music by The Tourist
Directed by Ajit Anthony Prem
Him: Hunter MacDermut
Her: Lindsey Glass
Produced by Kelly Cook
Special Thanks to:
Carla Cherry
Jim McQuaid
by on September 20th, 2006 | Filed in Personal | Comments Off on Not Sure

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Just a small chaotic piece that reflects some of my thoughts and anxieties.
by on September 13th, 2006 | Filed in Shorts | Comments Off on Once Upon 13
A film that I shot in College but finished much, much later. By the time I had completed it, I had forgotten many of the full names of the cast and crew. My sincere apologies to them wherever they are.
This film is wonderfully and insanely abstract, I have a love/hate relationship with it. Many of the initial ideas I began with disappeared once production started. And what was already a pretty abstract plot became even more.
Read the rest of this entry »
September 7th marks three exciting years since meeting my Wife. In that time, my life has changed dramatically for the best. It seems like I finally have a life!
This video should certainly remind you of being forced to sit through the family vacation videos by your parents. If it doesn’t then you should watch it a couple of times.
Music: Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra
Part one of a series of Blurring video podcasts. Everyday stuff, everyday conversations and all that drama it carries.
– Her – Kelly Cook
– Him/Writer/Director – Ajit Anthony Prem

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Part two of our look at Extreme Skipping — a sport that hasn’t recieved the recognition it deserves — and its biggest supporter.
Part one is here.