I will be on a panel on videoblogging at the PodcampAtlanta (Un)Conference talking about SquiggleBooth. If any of you live in the area or can drive up, please do come and say hello.
The videoblogging panel will take place in Atlanta on Saturday, March 17 at 1:45pm in the Governor’s Hall room. I will stick around after the session, if anyone is interested.
Besides me, the other panelists are:
Kary Rogers – Inside Mr. KaryHead and Good Commitment
Erin Nealey – Mom’s Brag Vlog
Chris Daniel – nTune.tv and Chris Daniel’s Video Blog
Grayson Daughters – The Spacey Gracey Review
A pretty diverse group, it should be interesting. The discussion will be moderated by Ben Ramsey.
Directions and other info can be found here: http://podcamp.pbwiki.com/PodcampAtlantaSessions
Please register here: http://podcamp.pbwiki.com/PodcampAtlantaRegistrants